Got it working with 2.6.14-1653 I also posted on Here is the diff of linux_wrapper.c: diff -C3 --recursive cvc_linux-rh-gcc3-3.3-FC4_2.6.14/src/linux_wrapper.c cvc_linux-rh-gcc3-3.3-DIST/src/linux_wrapper.c *** cvc_linux-rh-gcc3-3.3-FC4_2.6.14/src/linux_wrapper.c 2005-12-31 16:15:35.000000000 +0000 --- cvc_linux-rh-gcc3-3.3-DIST/src/linux_wrapper.c 2005-07-12 23:52:40.000000000 +0000 *************** *** 415,422 **** int nl_ip_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct packet_type *pt) { ! /* return ip_rcv(skb, skb->dev, pt); */ ! return netif_rx(skb); } void nl_ip_send_check(struct iphdr *iph) --- 415,421 ---- int nl_ip_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb, struct packet_type *pt) { ! return ip_rcv(skb, skb->dev, pt); } void nl_ip_send_check(struct iphdr *iph) *************** *** 524,530 **** memcpy(new_skb->cb, skb->cb, sizeof(skb->cb)); new_skb->priority = skb->priority; new_skb->protocol = skb->protocol; ! /* new_skb->security = skb->security; */ #if ((LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x020200) && (LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 0x020300)) new_skb->used = skb->used; #endif --- 523,530 ---- memcpy(new_skb->cb, skb->cb, sizeof(skb->cb)); new_skb->priority = skb->priority; new_skb->protocol = skb->protocol; ! new_skb->stamp = skb->stamp; ! new_skb->security = skb->security; #if ((LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x020200) && (LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 0x020300)) new_skb->used = skb->used; #endif *************** *** 550,555 **** --- 550,556 ---- memcpy(skb_to->cb, skb_from->cb, sizeof(skb_from->cb)); skb_to->priority = skb_from->priority; skb_to->protocol = skb_from->protocol; + skb_to->stamp = skb_from->stamp; #if ((LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= 0x020200) && (LINUX_VERSION_CODE < 0x020300)) skb_to->used = skb_from->used; #else I have also modified the spec file: *** cvc_linux-rh-gcc3-3.3.spec-DIST 2005-07-12 23:52:52.000000000 +0000 --- cvc_linux-rh-gcc3-3.3.spec-FC4_2.6.14 2005-12-31 16:04:30.000000000 +0000 *************** *** 1,10 **** Summary: A program that secures end to end network communication. Name: cvc_linux-rh-gcc3 Version: 3.3 ! Release: 0 ! Copyright: COMMERCIAL Group: System Environment/Base ! Source: cvc_linux-rh-gcc3-3.3.tar.gz AutoReqProv: no BuildRoot: /tmp/cvc_linux-rh-gcc3 %description --- 1,10 ---- Summary: A program that secures end to end network communication. Name: cvc_linux-rh-gcc3 Version: 3.3 ! Release: FC4_2.6.14 ! License: COMMERCIAL Group: System Environment/Base ! Source: cvc_linux-rh-gcc3-%{version}-%{release}.tar.gz AutoReqProv: no BuildRoot: /tmp/cvc_linux-rh-gcc3 %description And the .tar.gz file is now named cvc_linux-rh-gcc3-3.3-FC4_2.6.14.tar.gz instead of cvc_linux-rh-gcc3-3.3.tar.gz So you can simply install the src.rpm, extract the .tar.gz into the redhat/SOURCES/, modify the linux_wrapper.c, recreate a package with the new name, modify the spec file from the redhat/SPECS/ and invoke "rpmbuild --ba cvc_linux-rh-gcc3-3.3.spec" It compiled properly on 2.6.14-1653 Hope this helps! - vin