On Fri, 2005-12-30 at 14:34 +1000, Michael Wright wrote: > I've very confused when it comes to burning dvd's and software. really > need help here ? I have extract the file using winrar: Don't extract anything, just download the ISO file and burn it. > The files i have is Fedora Images isolinux whats the software to use > to burn the disc with ? and what file do i bring in when burning HOWTO burn the DVD installer image on Fedora Core 4 (maybe also FC3): Download the FC4-i386-DVD.iso image file. Download the SHA1SUM file in the same directory, then verify the checksum: sha1sum -c SHA1SUM You may get some errors, but as long as FC4-i386-DVD.iso is reported Ok then all is good. Run "growisofs" as root to see if it's installed. If it's not, then install it like this: yum install dvd+rw-tools Now figure out which dev file represents your DVD burner. On my system it's /dev/dvdwriter. On your system it might be different, e.g. /dev/hdc, /dev/dvd, whatever. Do a "ls -l /dev/dvd*" or "ls -l /dev/cd*" to see if your system has any files like that. You'll figure out which one is the DVD writer eventually. Now plug a blank DVD into the writer then burn the ISO. Run this command as root in the directory where you keep the ISO image: growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/dvdwriter=FC4-i386-DVD.iso Replace /dev/dvdwriter with something else if your system is different than mine. If the burning speed is not optimal and it messes the disk, try again adding this option: -speed=N (where N is a small value such as 1 or 2, depending on your media). Or use higher N values to accelerate the burning, but make sure that both the writer and the disk support it. That's it. -- Florin Andrei http://florin.myip.org/