Re: terminal does not working

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On Fri, 30 Dec 2005 23:05:40 +0100, Matt Morgan <minxmertzmomo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 12/30/05, Császár Péter <csjpeter@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi !

Sorry for bad the mail before.

Have any body any idea about why I can't use my text mode terminal after X
started in FC4?
I already have fully updated it. Could it be a problem, that the updates
made by apt from
What happens when you try to start a terminal?

Probably I have to correct myself. I am no sure about the
suitable name about graphical mode terminal, and text mode (perhaps) consol.
So my problem is I press the Ctrl+Alt+Fx and there is some messed
point still in graphic mode.

I read before about some bug in X but I made all possible update.

Just a few minutes ago I have changed the type of the video card
under X Display settings. That made it ok, but as I have rebooted
the problem is here again. However my settings still alive.

I have S3Trio64V+ card anyway, but after this experience I do not think the problem is with it.
Have you any idea where to find something?
I have lost nearly a day because of this.

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