Re: create RPM

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dabicho wrote:
On 29 Dec 2005 05:06:39 -0000, Navdeep <singh_nav00@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I dont want to write all this bullshit history and  not to waste your time
that's whay i wrote my query in very short manner. If you are really
interseted to help me then i can snd you my psec file to you. .
If you do not tell us what you have discovered yourself, then
1. How can we know what you've already discovered and so not give the same old answers? 2. How do we know whether you are trying to package something of your own, or have a problem with someone elses?
You seem to ask a lot of simple questions here; that suggests you don't 
know much and really ought to take yourself off to a good bookshop, as I 
 generally do (looks at LDAP, Perl, Python, Java, C++, Linux Firewalls 
and assorted other Linux texts), not to mention books on property 
investment, stocks and shares, general investment & finance).
I'm sure there are lots of good bookshops in Mumbai. Then there are 
howtos for everything imaginable (try googling "how to" cook beetroot), 
there are enterprise linux documents at

Read the last line of my sig. I seriously do not want direct replies to stuff I send to the list.
Unless you want to say, "Thanks, John, for that fine advice," but the 
list's a good place for that too:-)



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