On Wed, 28 Dec 2005, Lic. Martin Marques wrote:
IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied:
Now permissions look OK, and check_perms finishes with everything OK:
[root@newweb mailman]# ./bin/check_perms
No se han encontrado problemas
[root@newweb mailman]# ls -ld /var/lib/mailman/archives/private/depto.mbox/
drwxrwsr-x 2 root mailman 4096 ene 7 2005
What is wrong, and why did it work OK until now?
OK, done some more reaserching and found this which is very odd:
[root@newweb shunt]# su - mailman -c "unset LANG;stat
stat: cannot stat `/var/lib/mailman/archives/private/depto': Permission
[root@newweb shunt]# stat /var/lib/mailman/archives/private/depto
File: `/var/lib/mailman/archives/private/depto'
Size: 4096 Blocks: 8 IO Block: 4096 directory
Device: 900h/2304d Inode: 8421391 Links: 35
Access: (2775/drwxrwsr-x) Uid: ( 41/ mailman) Gid: ( 41/ mailman)
Access: 2005-12-29 08:42:22.000000000 -0300
Modify: 2005-02-16 17:24:18.000000000 -0300
Change: 2005-12-29 08:42:22.000000000 -0300
Now, mailman is the owner, and has all permissions, so why can't he stat
the directory???
08:50:03 up 6 days, 20:02, 1 user, load average: 0.36, 0.18, 0.22
Lic. Martín Marqués | SELECT 'mmarques' ||
Centro de Telemática | '@' || 'unl.edu.ar';
Universidad Nacional | DBA, Programador,
del Litoral | Administrador