Re: FC4 up2date fatal RPM install error

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Tim wrote:
On Tue, 2005-12-27 at 19:51 -0500, Jim Cornette wrote:

I believe you have to run createrepo every time your local rpm storage
directory is updated with rpms. You do not need to do this for

I've never had to use any createrepo command any time I'd added new
RPMs, via any method (up2date/yum/rpm command).

I'm sure that if you mirror the repository then you don't need to run 
If you add files to a master (ie not a mirror) repo, then you need to 
update the metadata. RH and/or does it for the official Fedora 
repositories: those who mirror the lot don't need to, but I prefer to 
mirror with rsync excluding the metadata, and then build the metadata 


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