Re: Merging two rpms

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Paul Smith wrote:
Dear All

Is there some way of merging two rpms into a single one?

Thanks in advance,



in %setup
mkdir /tmp/sumware
cd /tmp/sumware
rpm2cpio <the first> | cpio
# man cpio for the grotties
rpm2cpio <the second> | cpio

Now you have everything laid out in /tmp/sumware
%build is a noop.
%install rearranges the the binaries to suit your taste.

Don't forget to adapt and mutilate the above using the appropriate rpm macroes and/or variables.
I guess the sources are the initial rpms.

Of course, I may well have misunderstood your question. If you're starting with two different sourc rpms the answer's quite different, likely more complex and reads, "It depends."
Note the above technique works (with minor mods) starting with tarballs, 
  starting with an rpm that you want to change a little (but watch the 
gpm if you redistribute!), starting with an rpm for Some Other 
Distribution (you might wish to move stuff from /opt or change placement 
of some files to conform more closely to One True Way[tm]. It also works 
starting with Debian packages.
In some cases you will need to fiddle with deps.



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