Install java with yum

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Hi all,

I have my FC4 system cleaned up. I have removed all of the "java" group that is installed with anaconda because it was just too confusing figuring out all the inter-connectedness [? a real word] of the parts of java, jakarta, for this newbie.
  I would like to install the sun version of java-1.5.0 with yum and 
have downloaded the jpackage.repo package (from, commented 
out all the sections except the last ' [jpackage-generic-non-free], and 
tried to do the following:
  yum --enablerepos=jpackage* install java-1.5.0

It returns with nothing to install. There is no java installed at present except for
which as i understand it are compatibility files(?) for 1.4.2.

My goal is to install a minimal java SDK to:
  1.  run with tomcat4
  2.  experiment and learn a little about java in general.

Can I attain this goal with yum. I have read the Fedora info on Or should I just grab the tar.gz file and put it in /usr/local/java?
Also, there seems to be a dearth of information on the yum 
installer-updater.  The HOW-TO was written 2-3 years ago and I am having 
a tough time figuring out how the .repo files are parsed or if 
--enablerepos=xxx allows only the xxx.repo file to be read.
A nudge in the right direction appreciated.



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