Re: status of Palm Sync

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On Tue, 2005-12-27 at 09:24 -0800, David L wrote:
> >> > > > I just bought a Treo 650 and was looking for info about how to use
> >>it
> >> > >with
> >> > > > FC4 when I found the posting below which says FC4 is "completely
> >>broken
> >> > >with
> >> > > > respect to Palm syncronization". Is this supposed to be addressed
> >>in
> >> > >FC5,
> >> > > > or should I "downgrade" to FC3?  Has anybody synced a Treo with
> >> > >Evolution in
> >> > > > FC5-test1?
> >[snip]
> >> > >
> >> > >Palm syn still broken. The latest packages might have solved the
> >>problem
> >> > >for a couple of people, but at least in my case, I still need Mark G.
> >> > >Adams' RPMs (see below) to get my Palm to sync.
> >> > >I've given up on bug-reports.
> >> > >Last time I counted, I found ~10 bugs related to udev ttyUSB, pilot-*
> >> > >and gnome-pilot)
> >> > >
> >> > >I'm using the fix from:
> >> > >
> [snip]
> >>B. I created a /etc/dev directory and created the two ttyUSB0/1 nodes by
> >>hand, pointing all pilot devices to the static device entries. This
> >>solves all udev problems.
> >
> >This worked!  It was weird... udev seemed to be creating the nodes
> >(although it took a little while), but when I statically create the device > >entries, pilot-xfer is much happier. So far, all I've done is back up, but
> >that's finally working.  :)  Now I'll try more complicated things like
> >evolution sync.
> I've had little luck with evolution. It seems to crash a little bit more > often on startup since I've updated the pilot rpms... I don't know if that's > just a coincidence or not. Evolution has always crashed 2x per day for me.
> One error I got was:
> GThread-ERROR **: file gthread-posix.c: line 160 (): error 'Device or
> resource busy' during 'pthread_mutex_destroy ((pthread_mutex_t *) mutex)'
> aborting...
> Multiple segmentation faults occurred; can't display error dialog
> I managed to sync one contact. When I tried to sync my calendar, it started > to do something and then I got a message on my Treo saying "The connecttion > between your handheld computer and the desktop was lost. Some of your data
> was NOT backed up. gnome-pilot v.2.0.13."
> Then a minute later on my computer: The application
> "evolution-exchange-storage" has quit unexpectedly. When I select "Inorm
> Devolopers" and select evolution, it says "This application has bug
> information, but Bug Buddy doesn't know about it.  Please choose another
> application."
> Then I get a message saying "Evolution tasks have quit unexpectedly"... then
> "evolution calendar has crashed unexpectedly".
> The installed RPMs for evolution have newer version numbers than the ones on
> the site, so I didn't
> install them... should I install them even though their version is older?
> Thanks...
>                              David

My RPM versions (if it helps.)
[gilboa@gilboa-home-dev build]$ rpm -qa | egrep 'pilot|evo' | sort

I have all of the same ones... additionally, I have:


I've managed to sync one calendar event to my local calendar... before I was trying to sync to my exchange calendar. I don't know if the problem was due to an interaction between sync and the evolution-connector or a much larger number of events, but it seems happier with a few local events.
Thanks again...


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