Re: Shorewall for web server?

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Timothy Murphy wrote:
I have shorewall working perfectly on my little home LAN,
using the two-interfaces configuration
(from <>).

Now I'd like to allow access to a web-server (httpd)
on my shorewall machine - a desktop computer connected to the internet through an ADSL modem.
I'm finding this surprisingly difficult;
I've added the two lines

DNAT    net    loc: tcp     80   -
DNAT     net     loc:  tcp    www

to the shorewall rules (and re-started shorewall and httpd)
You may not want to run a webserver on your firewall from a security 
standpoint, but that aside...
The firewall interfaces are part of the fw zone, not the local zone.

From the Shorewall "Some Things to Keep in Mind" section:

"All IP addresses configured on firewall interfaces are in the $FW (fw) zone. If is the IP address of your internal interface then you can write “$FW:” in a rule but you may not write “loc:”. Similarly, it is nonsensical to add to the loc zone using an entry in /etc/shorewall/hosts."
Setting the rule to reflect your firewall zone will probably work.


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