Does anyone else notice that the current incarnation of Yumex has become incredibly slow? I've been waiting half an hour for it to finish compiling all the data it wants *just* to display what I can pick from to install. It seems to take long enough normally, but now it's deadlooping, repeatedly fetching the file lists. I had, previously, unticked a setting that says it'll take more time (show file lists and changelog), but that setting didn't hold the next time I started it, and hasn't helped for the time after that (where the setting did hold). The "auto refresh on start" option seems useless. Turn it off, and you get no file lists, at all, and no way to start them. Some sort of "no refresh on restart" would be useful. It's a pain when you download one package, install it, then decide to get another, and you have to sit through it regetting the package lists, recompiling the lists, etc. I'm sure they haven't changed enough to care about in just a couple of minutes. I'd use YUM or a website, they're quicker, but only useful if I know what I want to install, they don't have package descriptions. -- Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored. I read messages from the public lists.