John Kebbel wrote:
I assume OP stands for Original Poster (correct me if I'm wrong).
You have struck the nail upon the head with perfect orthogonality.
Anyway, I'm the Original Poster of "rmdir when directory is not empty"
I've gotten an incredible education from asking this question ...
Well, that's a Good Thing(tm).
rmdir. The RTFM advice wouldn't have helped if I was reading the Wrong
3. RTFM advocates may have forgotten what it's like to be a newbie or a
newbie to some areas. I read man pages a lot, but a lot of what I read
makes no sense to me. That's why I go to discussion boards.
That's also a Good Thing(tm).
showed me I should stick to a more general description of my problem
(How do I delete non-empty directories?)
Being myself a great RTFM advocate, as well as a "learn how to use
the tools" advocate, here's how I would have done the search you needed.
$ apropos remove
[great honkin' long list too difficult to see, even with less]
$ apropos remove | grep file
attr_remove (3) - remove a user attribute of a filesystem object
attr_removef [attr_remove] (3) - remove a user attribute of a
filesystem objectcolrm (1) - remove columns from a file
cut (1) - remove sections from each line of files
flock (2) - apply or remove an advisory lock on an open file
lockf (3) - apply, test or remove a POSIX lock on an
open file
metaflac (1) - program to list, add, remove, or edit
metadata in one or more FLAC files
remove (3) - delete a name and possibly the file it refers to
rm (1) - remove files or directories
scrollkeeper-update (8) - identify new, modified, or removed OMF files
and update the scrollkeeper databases
tmpwatch (8) - removes files which haven't been accessed
for a period of time
uniq (1) - remove duplicate lines from a sorted file
unlink (1) - call the unlink function to remove the
specified file
Hmm, look! There's an entry for "rm" which says "remove files or
directories". Wow!
This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!