Wong Chin Whei NCS wrote:
I was wondering the command that we use to see services ..
e.g. service httpd restart
e.g. service --status-all
which GNU package does it comes from ?
how do i reinstall this thing
Danny Wong
Do these steps on your computer. I provide my output as an example.
1) First, find out where 'service' is at.
[root@netserv etc]# whereis service
service: /sbin/service
2) Next we query the rpm database for the package that provided it.
[root@netserv etc]# rpm -q --whatprovides /sbin/service
3) Now you should be able to download the initscripts package, and
reinstall it (try an upgrade, and if that won't work, do an install with
the --force option)
I did steps 1 and 2 so I know they'll work, but I don't give any
guarantees about step 3. It should point you in the right direction at
Hope I helped,
Justin Willmert