Re: Re: Device nodes (Manually Created )are removed at boot > -time

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On Sat, 17 Dec 2005 23:48:05 +0530, <fedora-list-request@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Message: 7
Date: Sat, 17 Dec 2005 09:26:02 -0800 (PST)
From: Antonio Olivares <olivares14031@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Device nodes (Manually Created )are removed at boot
To: For users of Fedora Core releases <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
Message-ID: <20051217172602.24864.qmail@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
--- Parameshwara Bhat <peebhat@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello List,

My modem driver-needed to be built from
source-created device nodes like
/dev/slamr0 ,/dev/slusb0.When I rebooted I found
these nodes cleared and
8> the daemon slmodemd dead.
Use  as superuser
$ su -
psswd ******
# ungrab-winmodem
# modprobe slamr
# cp /dev/slamr0 /etc/udev/devices  and/or
# cp /dev/slusb0 /etc/udev/devices
I also need to install modules ungrab-winmodem and
slamr in that order and
I have put them in /etc/modprobe.conf in that
order.If the order is
reversed,slamr is grabbed by the kernel.But on
rebooting,I found in the
messages slamr grabbed by the kernel.Obviuosly,
module slamr got loaded

It appears there is some process earlier which loads
slamr module prior to
the processing of /etc/modprobe.conf.
You do not need to include it in /etc/modprobe.conf.
It is not needed with kernels > 2.6.

The sequence I want is,
1.Load ungrab module
2.load slamr module init process /etc/init.d/slmodemd

This used to occur in this sequence in FC1 through
FC2. I am having
persistent problem in FC4.

My knowledge of Boot process is not well enough to
figure out what's going

Things changed a bit with ungrab-winmodem kernels >
2.6.10, and udev since FC3.  Autoloading of drivers
changed somewhat.  Try to use the script that follows.
 In case you have trouble, please send another email.


Parameshwara Bhat

fedora-list mailing list
To unsubscribe:

Modify the following /etc/init.d/slmodem, to suit your
I will come back after I test.Thank you in the meanwhile.

Parameshwara Bhat
[olivares@localhost ~]$
Hope this helps,
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