Thanks for the brilliant suggestion. With a little research I whipped
up a Perl script for the read end of the pipe. It writes the data
locally, then sends it down a socket to another script on the remote
machine for replication. I played around with rsh and ssh, but they
were lagging pretty badly (5-10 seconds to return) on a regular basis
(roughly 1 out of every 20 instances). Not only is the socket really
fast and reliable, it also prevents the need to spawn another process
per write. Time will tell, but I believe this is the right solution.
I appreciate everyone else's suggestions as well.
> MR> Please provide me with tips on how to replicate a single file to a
> MR> separate machine as changes are made to it.
> If your application truly only supports logging to a file, then
> consider seeing if it will continue to log when you replace that file
> with a named pipe. Connect the read end of that pipe to a program
> that does whatever you want; you could even connect it to an instance
> of ssh or nc to a remote machine.
> - J<
Matthew Roth
InterMedia Marketing Solutions
Software Engineer and Systems Developer