Josh Coffman wrote:
Someone on another list said he installed FC5 Test1
and it looks really good. So now I'm really feeling
like checking it out.
What's the best way to get it? Should I try fc5-test1,
fc5-development, or wait for fc5-test2? SHould I
upgrade or install fresh?
This will be on my laptop, and will have to replace
fc4 cause I don't have room for another OS partition.
It needs to be good enough for my kids to play
supertux and use firefox without me around to babysit
the system.
The test and development release may provide enough robustness for you
to do this you cannot rely on it. It is meant for enthusiasts and
testers to provide feedback and bug reports. Avoid installing these
releases on any system that rely on for regular usage.
read the announcement details and relevant links and release notes in
Here is a draft guide to help you through the process
Make sure you subscribe to the fedora-test list and read the recent
archives for other useful information. Post there if you need any
further help.