Nigel Wade wrote:
Sundarapandian A wrote:
There is one more easy way of doing this. Just follow the steps below
1) Make sure you have XFree86 with cygwin is installed on your XP, ssh
is available on XP machine <you can use telnet also>, X server is
running on linux/unix host, sshd is running on linux/unix host.
2) Make sure your <cygwin dir>/usr/X11R6/bin is specified in PATH then
start X Windows using the command "XWin.exe -fullscreen -clipboard
-unixkill -nowinkill"
3) Now you will get XWindows sceen without any applications or window
(You can use ALT+TAB to switch between windows and XWindows)
4) Start xterm on your XP machine (terminal will appear on xwindow
5) On the command prompt of xterm say "xhost <linux/unix server name
or IP>"
6) Now on xterm type the command "ssh <username@linux/unix
servername>" enter password to complete the login
7) On the xterm now type "export DISPLAY=<windows XP hostname/IP>:0.0
8) Now on xterm execute "startkde &"
9) Boooom!! now you'll see KDE on your XP machine!!!!
Boooom!! - anyone else who can login to your Linux box can see
everything you do, and type. Only do this if security isn't an issue for
How is this Nigel?
Can you suggest a better way, and explain why it's better?
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