Greetings All,
I have a Fedora install that has the /dev/hda drive mounted into a LVM
Currently, my system which has 2 physical drives was set up with 1
physical drive /dev/hda and thus has 1 logical volume. We then added the
second drive which is /dev/hdc which we only want to have Quota on this
drive (/dev/hdc2) and make it a separate Logical Volume, bt I do not
know how to do this.
The final setup is to have 2 volumes in the LVM such that 1 (the root
filesystem) does not have Quota and the other drives in the second
volume will have Quota running on them. We can then add more drives to
the second volume as we need more user drive space.
I have read over the LVM How To but it does not seem to talk about
having Quota's on a volume.
Can someone please help to guide me through this process?
Lonnie C.