On Mon, 28 Nov 2005, Mike McCarty wrote:
Matthew Miller wrote:
Turns out Borland made Turbo C (a great compiler and IDE for its day)
available for free download from
<http://community.borland.com/article/0,1410,20841,00.html>. And, I was
curious, since there's a lot of nostalgia value for me, and I found that it
works wonderfully in DOSBox, the i386/DOS emulator -- which is available
from Fedora Extras. (So you could even use it on PPC.)
Hmm. I tried using GNOME to install it, and couldn't find it. I
then did a "# yum install dosbox" and yum couldn't find it. I used
Google, and found a hit at sourceforge, but got an SQL error.
When was it added (I run FC2) and how can I pull a version?
I used dosemu and freedos for a while, but they stopped working
for me after a prelink run.
dosemu works quite well, just make sure you use the most recent version,
or from CVS. dosbox combined Bochs, a CPU emulator with dosemu which is
unnecessary if you already use and x86 CPU, and just makes it slower. It
has however, made dos become platform independant:)