On Sat, Nov 26, 2005 at 06:33:38PM +0200, Dotan Cohen wrote: > Thank you vey much. I just want to be sure that I understand you > correctly: anything that compiles in gcc using the -ansi option WILL > compile in Turbo C? Well, not necessarily, because you could use library calls that don't exist in the Turbo C environment. But most basic things should work. > I just looked at the Borland website. The school provides us with > Turbo C 3.0, which is probably a little different. Could you please > tell me how to get _anything_ working in DOSBox? I am yum-ing it now. Unpack the Turbo C files into a directory somewhere. Then, in that directory in a terminal window, run the command "dosbox". (Or depending on the version of dosbox, you may have better luck running "dosbox .", to cause it to mount that directory as drive C.) A window will come up, and you'll be in a DOS-like environment in which you can run Turbo C. -- Matthew Miller mattdm@xxxxxxxxxx <http://mattdm.org/> Boston University Linux ------> <http://linux.bu.edu/>