In case anybody searches this list for answers, the issue is tracked in bugzilla bug #172915
So far, adding "acpi_serialize" kernel parameter seems to fix the problem.
On 11/12/05, Tayfun Can <
tayfun.can@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I am running 2.6.14-1.1637_FC4 on a R40 Thinkpad.
After this latest kernel upgrade the gnome battery applet shows "no battery present" all the time. With the previous kernel, it was doing this once in a while and it was working perfectly with FC3.
present: yes
ERROR: Unable to read battery information/proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state
present: yes
capacity state: ok
charging state: charging
present rate: 7094 mW
remaining capacity: 31650 mWh
present voltage: 16692 mV
I have read about the new gnome-power-manager on this list. But with all its dependency on the newest hal, etc I am not comfortable to install.
Any thoughts?