Hey, > >- Use a program to ask something to the user who logs in. > > I don't know much about ssh. Does "ssh <hostname> <command>" bypass this > program? Say "ssh your@host /bin/bash"? Yes, if you call this program in your /etc/profile or ~user/.bash_profile. When a user logs in, sshd will execute: /path/to/UserShell - When a User issue a command like "ssh you@host /bin/bash", sshd will execute: /path/to/UserShell -c '/bin/bash'. So, in order to work, the user shell must be set to this program. Example: /bin/shellWraper: #!/bin/bash echo -n "Who is the master Lee Roy?" read w if [ "$w" != "ShoNuff" ]; then echo "Bad answer Lee Roy!" exit 255 fi if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then /bin/bash -c "$@" else /bin/bash - fi chmod +x /bin/shellWrapper Set the user shell to /bin/shellWrapper you:x:504:504::/home/you:/bin/shellWrapper Try to log in as this user. -- Regards, Alejandro Flores http://www.triforsec.com.br/