Gary Stainburn <gary.stainburn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
[snip]Actually, I have. I'm running FC4 32bit with the latest kernel, ndiswrapper, and the windows driver that came with the laptop; which is an hp pavilion zv5440us. It has AMD Athlon 3000+, 512 RAM, 60gig HD, Broadcom 4309 chipset on the internal wifi card.
Has ANYONE got it working with WEP?
It took me a while to get the WEP-128 encryptio w/ Hex key to work. I build ndiswrapper from source, and use the 4k standard kernel.
Yes I get the 4k stack warning. I haven't peaked lately, but I use to get the wireless-tools version 17 warning too. I've thrown a couple ideas out to James, but I'm no expert and am just hoping, like you, that some smart guy will reply with the answer for you guys.
I can! check anything else on my system for comparison purposes if it will help, but only after I get home from work tonight.
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