I just recently installed FC4 on my system. I used yumex to install xmms. However, the launcher isn't showing up in my menu. At first I thought I was missing a *.desktop file but found redhat-audio-player.desktop (contents below). I can start xmms by using the run application box, but it isn't listed in the recognized application list. Is there anyway to manually add xmms to this list and the application menu? Thanks for your help, Beckie [Desktop Entry] Comment=Play Ogg Vorbis and other audio files Exec=xmms -e %F Icon=xmms.xpm MimeType=audio/x-mp3;audio/x-mod;audio/x-wav;audio/x-mpegurl;audio/mpegurl;audio/x-scpls;application/x-ogg;application/ogg Name=Audio Player Terminal=0 Type=Application MapNotify=false Categories=X-Red-Hat-Base;Application;AudioVideo; Encoding=UTF-8