General F.Y.I.
Over a 'pretty vanilla' installation of FC4, the latest NetworkManager
0.5.1-1.FC4.4, returns a failing dependency in up2date. The needed
package, dhcdbd does appear to be available in the same channel,
'updates-released', but is seemingly not being found when up2date
attempts to resolve the dependency. As the machine returning the message
here is a server, I'm just uninstalling the package, as it's not needed.
If someone needs this package to work and is experiencing the same
problem, please pass this on to the NetworkManager package maintainer.
There was a package dependency problem. The message was:
Unresolvable chain of dependencies:
NetworkManager 0.5.1-1.FC4.4 requires dhcdbd
The following packages were added to your selection to satisfy dependencies:
Package Required by
Please modify your package selections and try again.