> THERE ANY WIRELESS CARDS THAT WOULD JUST WORK OUT OF THE BOX > WITH FEDORA 4? Hi Mirco This is my standard reply to wireless questions: I highly recommend a card based on the Ralink RT2500, because: - Ralink GPLed their code - this means no messing with wrappers and binaries - let's support manufacturers who do this - you can get Ralink-based cards nice and cheap I'm using this card with FC4, works great: Foxconn WLL-3350 http://www.foxconnchannel.com/productsDownload_wireless.cfm?pWireless=WLL-3350 Cost <$20 at newegg: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16833194001 Drivers from here: http://rt2x00.serialmonkey.com/ Cheers Ric