I bought a Creative ModemBlaster USB DE5671 recently, due to me getting
troubles with getting a working modem for Fedora 4 (so far I've tried 5
different ones, and this is the first external I tried). Of
course, Fedora doesn't recognize it offhand, so I did some
research. It uses a chipset that's in the same Family as the
SmartLink SmartUSB56 (or something or another). The greater news
is that SmartLink has a driver available!
So, first I tried to make an rpm out of the tar.gz file.
According to the terminal, rpm -ta is not a real command, although
that's what the readme says to type.
So, I decided to try to do the MakeFile instructions. However,
this was unsuccessful, due to a static declaration of "sregs_init"
bieng followed by a nonstatic declaration, and then there was a
previous declaration elsewhere in the file "modem.c"
Having some C/C++ expierence, I tried to fix this, but it wouldn't work.
So, I tried going out and finding some of RPMs on the internet. I
did, and apparantly it required the kernel package, which I'm pretty
sure I am, considering Fedora can't really work without it.
So, I'm completely lost, confused and a bit pissed off due to the fact
that all I want to do is use this computer (I'm using my mom's
currently) for school, yet I have to live with crappy 56k, and that no
modem I've tried worked successfully with Fedora.
All I'm asking is this: Can someone pinpoint to me a good RPM to use
for this modem, or can someone recommend a good modem (internal or
external) that can work flawlessly or near flawlessly with Fedora?