Well, umm, the answer's right there in the link you posted:
I guess so...
# umount /home
# resize2fs /dev/myvg/homevol 524288
# lvreduce -L-1G /dev/myvg/homevol
# mount /home
resize2fs handles both ext2 & ext3 (most of the tools are like this -
mke2fs & e2fsck got their names before ext3 existed, but both handle
ext3 as well).
ok, I'm with ya...
The only thing is the comment about having to know block sizes is bogus.
This will work fine:
umount /mount
e2fsck -f /dev/myvg/myvol
resize2fs /dev/myvg/myvol 20G
lvreduce -L 20G /dev/myvg/myvol
mount /mount
Obviously, you need to replace /mount and /dev/myvg/myvol with the
appropriate mount point & device name for your system. The e2fsck is a
good idea before doing something like this. iirc, e2fsadm used to do it
great stuff...truly appreciated as I was about to post about how to find
the actual block size..
Kind regards,
Mark Sargent