Rex Dieter wrote:
Franck Y wrote:
I don t know waht does this thing the "get_peer_addr "
Can you excplain me thk you
Oct 20 13:41:09 constellation smbd[3927]: [2005/10/20 13:41:09, 0]
Oct 20 13:41:09 constellation smbd[3927]: getpeername failed. Error
was Transport endpoint is not connected
getpeername failed => failed DNS/hostname lookup.
-- Rex
No, that would be gethostbyaddr(). getpeername() is a system call
that looks for the address of the other side (the remove side) of an
association or socket pair.
Of course, if you're using connectionless sockets (i.e. datagrams),
then it won't return an endpoint... For that, you'd have to use
recvfrom() and note the endpoint from individual requests.