Rick Stevens wrote:
Rick,On Tue, 2005-10-18 at 14:54 -0400, Mike Pepe wrote:Gordon Price wrote:Kind Folks, I am running into an issue that has me really bugged. I have one machine that has the *2.6.11-1.27FC3smp* kernel and another with the *2.6.11-1.27FC3* non-smp kernel. I need to use the smp version for a project that only works with this version of FC3 that uses a USB 2.0 video device I designed. I have looked everywhere I know to figure out how to get the smp kernel on the non-smp machine, and I can not seem to back track the steps correctly. I have tried yum every which way but loose, and can not get an smp kernel period, to install or upgrade on the non-smp machine. Yum wants to upgrade me to 2.6.12, and I don't want to do that. On the machine that does not have the smp kernel, I tried copying all the smp files (4) that were in /boot on the smp machine to the /boot directory on the non-smp machine. I then added an entry in /etc/grub.conf for the smp kernel boot. This does not work at all. This issue makes me worry that Linux hard drives may be more difficult to move from machine to machine in a pre-configured format than I had wished????You need the SMP files from "/boot" (at least the vmlinuz and initrd files) AND the entire module directory at "/lib/modules/<kernelversion>-smp" directory on the non-SMP machine. You also need to edit the /boot/grub/grub.conf file to include the SMP kernel. Of course, if you have the SMP binary RPM, copy that to the non-SMP machine and force an install via "rpm -ivh kernel-whatever-smp.rpm". That's the cleanest way to do it. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- - Rick Stevens, Senior Systems Engineer rstevens@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx - - VitalStream, Inc. http://www.vitalstream.com - - - - When all else fails, try reading the instructions. - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Have any idea where the source rpm for 2.6.11-1.27FC3smp can be found? This rings a bell. Maybe this is what I did back in May when I was creating the other machine that does have the smp kernel. Thanks, BEST!