I want to install this ORBit-devel rpm, but it dependence on ORBit =1:0.5.17 libIDL-0.6.so.0 I can't found rpm of "ORBit =1:0.5.17" and "libIDL-0.6.so.0", but I found libIDL-devel-0.8.5-2.i386.rpm, I installed it, and it creates /usr/lib/libIDL-2.so.0.0.0, Then, I have to download libIDL-0.6.8.tar.gz from http://andrewtv.org/libIDL/ and compile & install it: tar -zxf libIDL-0.6.8.tar.gz cd libIDL-0.6.8 ./configure make make prefix=/usr/lib install Everything goes fine, And I tried to install ORBit-devel rpm, and failed on the same dependence errors.