Craig White wrote:
On Fri, 2005-10-07 at 12:49 -0500, Mike McCarty wrote:
Peter Arremann wrote:
On Thursday 06 October 2005 21:29, Mike McCarty wrote:
Peter Arremann wrote:
On Thursday 06 October 2005 21:10, Mike McCarty wrote:
At 93%, it must have been about 7098935 blocks used. How did a
reboot free up 1017187 blocks?
When deleting a file that is currently being used by a program, the disk
blocks are actually not freed up until the last process that has a closed
the file. Most likely one of the files you deleted was still being used.
I forgot to mention... I had NO programs running except for an xterm
with a shell in it, su to root. I had closed all window, and opened
only the one. I do use GNOME with X Window to manage the windows,
however. (I suppose it might have been a gnome-terminal.)
Just because you don't run them, doesn't mean that you don't have a bunch of
programs running. just do a ps -ef and you'll see how much there is - even on
an idle system you often have a few dozen processes.
Yes, I am aware. But what process would have consumed about 1G, and then
deleted it, while *another* process had it also opened?
Very often people try removing /var/log/messages and are surprised they don't
get disk space back until a reboot because they forgot to restart syslogd.
I guess I'm not making myself clear, somehow.
there was no way to know that - your 'today' du log didn't include /proc
and neither of them included /dev so all anyone can do is speculate so
it's not as if anyone can definitively offer an answer.
Umm, I actually posted the exact "du" commands which I used.
So, anyone who read the messages in toto would know exactly
what was included and what was not.
To repeat:
# ls /
bin dev home lib misc opt root selinux tftpboot usr
boot etc initrd lost+found mnt proc sbin sys tmp var
# du -s /bin /etc /home /lib /misc /opt /root /sbin /selinux /sys \
/tmp /usr /var | sort -gr >> dirsizes.out
Two days later, the results of the same command were essentially
unchanged, yet df showed about 1G missing. No installs. No huge
downloads. All unnecessary windows closed. (I realize lots of
system processes and daemons running.)
This is somewhat mystifying, and unsettling. Especially as I only
have about 1.5G free anyway.
This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!