Deepak Shrestha wrote:
--- Mike McCarty <mike.mccarty@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
You used to be able to undelete files using
debugfs and midnight
commander. But un-deleting a extxfs file is much
harder than normal
Windows file systems. Are there really Windows
tools to recover files
from extxfs file systems? Out of ignorance I did
not know you could
run Windows on an ext2fs or ext3fs file system.
Can you?
You got it wrong way. what I mean is there are lots of
tools to recover the files from extxfs which runs in
windows platform.
Take a look at this:
Zapraszamy na sesję naukową "Społeczeństwo
obywatelskie - nowe imię solidarności" 8 października w Gdańsku.
and there are dozens of tools out there (similar like
this) for windows platform which can recover extxfs.
PS. By the way your kind of comments doesn't really
help the people. Instead of these comments if you have
adviced on how to use the "commander" thingy, that
could have helped a lot.
Anyway thank a lot. I've already recoverd my files.
It's not clear to me whose comments you are complaining about.
Are you complaining about something *I* wrote?
If so, then what?
Mike McCarty
This message made from 100% recycled bits.
You have found the bank of Larn.
I can explain it for you, but I can't understand it for you.
I speak only for myself, and I am unanimous in that!