Hi List; I just setup a new IMAP account in Kmail and I see the following folders under the main account name: Inbox from mbox razor-agent.log Sent Trash I'm confused about all these folders. I alreeady have a Trash and Sent folders under the main 'Local Folders' folder in Kmail however the sysytem seems to place the sent and trash items only from the new IMAP account there. Even more confusing is the from, mbox and razor-agent.log folders. I always show 1 unread message in the from however if I open the from folder I get an error that says: "Error while querying the server status" Unable to open folder from. The server replied : SELECT failed unable to open file from. Also the inbox and mbox folders seem to contain 100% duplicate messages. Is there an easy way to hide or otherwise disable the un-needed folders ?