On Sun, 2005-10-02 at 13:13 -0700, Sean Bruno wrote: > I was attempting to remove mozilla today and noted the following > dependencies from yum. Is this an expected effect, or something that we > should look into? > > Dependencies Resolved > > *snip* > [mpeters@laptop ~]$ rpm --test -e mozilla error: Failed dependencies: libgtkembedmoz.so is needed by (installed) yelp-2.10.0-1.4.2.i386 libxpcom.so is needed by (installed) yelp-2.10.0-1.4.2.i386 mozilla >= 1.7.12 is needed by (installed) yelp-2.10.0-1.4.2.i386 [mpeters@laptop ~]$ yelp is what needs mozilla on my system. If removing mozilla via yum gave you that list of apps that depend upon it, it may be a bug in yum. If you don't want yelp (the help system for gnome) you can probably remove it with rpm -e yelp - and then remove mozilla with rpm -e mozilla. If you do want yelp (it is quite useful) you could remove the mozilla desktop file - /usr/share/applications/mozilla.desktop - and then it won't be in your menu items anymore (until the next update ...). Interestingly - [mpeters@laptop ~]$ locate libgtkembedmoz.so /usr/lib/firefox-1.0.7/libgtkembedmoz.so /usr/lib/mozilla-1.7.12/libgtkembedmoz.so [mpeters@laptop ~]$ locate libxpcom.so /usr/lib/firefox-1.0.7/libxpcom.so /usr/lib/mozilla-1.7.12/libxpcom.so [mpeters@laptop ~]$ I wonder if yelp could be build to use the Firefox libgtkembedmoz.so and libxpcom.so instead of the Mozilla versions. In fact - I wonder if the common libraries between them could just be package they both depend on, along with yum, so that the duplication isn't necessary.