hello guys again, I have reported this problem several times in the last couple of days and lately I thought it had something to do with the update for GDM coming from NRPMS. So yesterday I decided to re-install Fedora Core 4 from scratch after backing up all my important files. I enabled only the main repos for the subsequent update ( which is only the extras/updates repos) via YUM. (no NRPS repos are present either in my yum/yumex configuration or apt-get/synaptic config) Before performing the update I had already downloaded a couple of new Login Mangers from the Gnome.org website and they were working properly. Obviously after the update, which included the famous Xorg updates but no GDM update was mentioned in the list, the Login Manager changed again to that hateful plain default blue screen with reduced options compared to the initial ones. At this point I started to think that it must definately be something to do with the XORG UPDATES changing the login/gdm configuration. I executed the command /USR/SBIN/GDMSETUP from terminal and the loin setup screen appeared but none of the settings I was choosing seemed to be working after logging out and loggin back in. The login screen set up from System Settings Menu doesn't respond at all. What Am I doing wrong? Please help me solve this torment. Thank you in advance. Mirco