what does
locate libjpeg.so.62
tell you? Also, run ldconfig and then try it again...
After running ldconfig ,I rebooted the system into init 5 level.But again the same problem it is not booting into the init 5 by default.If I boot into the init 3 level from there I can login into init 5 level but the background color is white and I am not able to change the background image/color.Moreover after getting into the init 5 level from init 3 level by giving "startx" command at the command prompt these errors comes
"Failed to Load image redhat-spreadsheet.img.
Details: Unrecognized image file format".
This errors comes for Open Office Writer,SpreadSheet,Evolution etc means all the icons on the panel.
I check the logs and errors like these were there "Could not recognize the image file format for file '/usr/share/icons/Bluecurve/48X48/Stock/gtk-dialog-error.png.
Any pointer how to solve the problem.
Thanks & Regards
Ankush Grover