Alexander Dalloz wrote:
Am Do, den 22.09.2005 schrieb Leon Stringer um 10:41:
On Wed, 2005-09-21 at 22:34 -0400, Jim Cornette wrote:
Sorry for the harder way to enable the repo. I assume you are running
without X.
yum --enablerepo=updates-testing
is enough; no need to edit the .repo file before and after updating.
Thanks for the info Alexander. The --enablerepo yum option sounds much
easier than editing repos you would not use regularily.
No, the updates-testing package fixes that issue. But that is history
since today as
Fedora Core 4 Update: xorg-x11-6.8.2-37.FC4.49.2
was released as official update.
Then there is no need to go back in xorg-x11 revisions of use the
testing repo.
Thanks again for the info!
If it's too loud, you're too old.