I am a linux newbie. Just bought Red Hat Fedora 4 Unleashed book with DVD disk yesterday and am having problems with doing a dual-boot install into my Mac PowerBook G4 laptop. I have an 80G drive, I've followed the instructions in the book, burned the iso image to a CD and then booted to CD. I just need some basic help. Once I can get the installer started I should be okay. A year ago I did an install of Fedora by myself so dunno why I am having any problems. I know you're supposed to install OS X first, so have wiped the drive and done a clean install of OS X. I understand that the install process of Fedora has a partioning section to it, so have not partitioned my drive yet. I know it's Friday, but does anyone have a few minutes to just get me started off-list via IM or email? The problem seems to be that my drive is not reading the DVD or CD when booted to. I have no idea why. It reads and boots to other CDs fine. Thanks in advance. Adam Boettiger boettiger@xxxxxxxxx AIM: AdamJBoettiger