On Fri, 2005-09-09 at 17:44 +0200, C�ic MARCOUX wrote: > I "simply" want to upgrade 2.6.13 on my FC4 (398) > The reason is that I have saw that this kernel will make my Hauppauge > WinTC PCI work (model 747) on several forum. > > The problem is that I really don't know how to do this??? > I know that I have to download the new kernel on kernel.org and make a > symbolic link to /sur/src/linux > After that, I don't know how to do. > > Is there some howto or an easy way to do that? Is this recommended? It's pretty easy to do. Assuming you download the gz from kernel.org, do cd /usr/src tar zxvf linux-2.6.13.tar.gz You can then ln -s linux-2.6.13 linux if you wish. Then copy your .config file from your fedora kernel-devel tree to /usr/src/linux, and do make oldconfig and answer the questions about the new parameters. You can probably just take the default answers, but you might want to use 1000 Hz rather than the new default of 250 Hz for the timer rate. Now you can do make menuconfig to find and enable your Hauppage options. I generally edit the .config by hand, and change CONFIG_LOCALVERSION to be something unique and meaningful to me, e.g. "-bwp", but you don't have to. Then do a make clean make Then su into root, or use sudo, or whatever, and make modules_install make install and you're done. Check /boot to make sure the images were copied there, and check /boot/grub/grub.conf to make sure there are menu selections for your new kernel. Boot into grub, select your new kernel, and boot it. If you have any problems, just reboot and select your fedora kernel. Then, assuming your new kernel works properly, you can make any custom kernel modules you might have like ndiswrapper, etc. Brad PS The make stage might take 30+ minutes with all the options and modules fedora builds, but it's easiest to leave them in unless you know exactly what you need and don't need.