I have been asked to fix a mailform on a RHEL server. Yah I know this is the Fedora list, but the customer claims Redhat has yet to respond to him on the issue, and I don't subscribe to any RHEL lists. I thought I saw a problem like this discussed in this list but was unable to find any answers Googleing. I was able fix most of the PHP/sendmail issues by configuring the applications that support using an SMTP server rather than using sendmail. The applications that use the mail() function are still causing me problems. SELinux is a real beast and I haven't figured out how to adjust policies/contexts or what ever needs to be adjusted. I haven't had time to read the documentation on SELinux, and had hoped I wouldn't have to. Is there a cookie cutter fix to allow the PHP mail() function to work? Please, anything but RTFM, would help. Thank you in advance. Guy