hi group members,
I like to use the program mail to send myself emails when certain jobs
are finished since I am running a lot of computations on different
machines. This is a typical feature of grid engines. Since I got an
account on a system without such a engine, I like to write a short
script which starts my jobs and sends me an email when it is finished.
Here is a rough draft:
# /bin/bash
cd /scratch
cd $USER
RUN=$HOME/charmm < /scratch/job$SHELLPID.in > job$SHELLPID.out
mail -s "Job at $HOSTNAME with job$SHELLPID done" my@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
so how do I terminate the input of mail? which is usually done by ctrl d
... or can someone point me to a source which might do what I want?
Searching on google linux mail is not so very successful.