I can't figure out what is happening to my backups, apparently something in tar has changed, but I can't find anything in the docs. I execute the script below which executes a backup and utilizes a exclude fille, however it seems that under FC4 it backs up everything and simply ignores the exclude file. This currently runs on 3 FC3 servers and an RH7.3 server. Any help is appreciated! Backup script: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ #!/bin/sh DATE=`date +%m-%d-%Y` SERVER=`hostname | perl -p -e 's/(.*?)\..*/$1/'` LOCATION='/home/system/backup/' BACKUP_LOC=${LOCATION}${SERVER}'/data/' CONFIG_LOC=${LOCATION} EXCLUDE='/ibin/conf/backup_exclude_list' LOG=${SERVER}'-backup.log' nice -n 14 tar -czf ${BACKUP_LOC}/D-Backup-${DATE}.tar.gz / --exclude-from ${EXCLUDE} -g ${CONFIG_LOC}/${LOG} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Exclude file ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /home/system/backup /home/*.com/www/stats /home/*.net/www/stats /home/*.org/www/stats /home/*.cc/www/stats /home/*.info/www/stats /home/system/download /home2 /var/log /var/log/*.com /var/log/*.net /var/log/*.org /var/log/*.cc /var/log/*.info /proc /tmp /lost+found /dev /bin /dev /lib /media /misc /mnt /initrd /sbin /srv /sys ------------------------------------------------------------------------