Re: VSFTP - Adding Users

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--- Amichai Rotman <poder.pinguino@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Hi All,
>  I am trying to config VSFTP to accept log-ins from
> the outside world. I do 
> not want to enable anonymous FTP - I would like to
> create a bunch of users - 
> one for each member of the family, to be able to
> acces a certain directory 
> structure from a window$ FTP client.
>  Where do I create these users?
>  Is there a more friendly, GUI FTP server?
>  Is symlinks a good startegy to share the
> directories?
>  Thanks !
> -- 
> Amichai Rotman
> UIN#: 6401746
> Registered Linux User#: 201192

I just setup vsftp over the weekend. I was able to set
it up allow cerain IP's or IP ranges to connect and
allow certain logins and direct the to whatever
directory I choose.

Here was the guide I used:

By editing the passwd and group files (from the
article) you control you can login and what their dftp
directory is.

This requires creating a User in Fedora which can then
login. I recently read a way to prevent local logins,
but I don't remember where and can't find it.

Hope this helps.

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