On Sun, 2005-08-28 at 18:28, Craig White wrote: > ---- > since about 9:00 pm last night (approximately 18.5 hours ago), I have > gotten over 3000 'bounces' - that's quite a bit. The ones that include a > copy of the original email get parsed by spamassassin, tagged and put > into a SPAMBOX. The ones that don't include a copy of the original email > now fall through to a collection folder. That seems like a lot of > bounces in less than 24 hours - I've been keeping them to get a 24 hour > count. ;-) > > Craig Sounds like a joe job. They are using your email/domain in the forged from address. Hides them and dumps the traffic on someone else. Don't think there is much you can do about it but filter the bounced messages.