Re: Linux notebooks by Hewlett-Packard

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Reshat Sabiq wrote:

I'm not considering ze2000t. Tadpole is a little pricie, but might be valuable for those who don't want to install Linux/XP manually.
Any feedback on Linux on ze2000t would be welcome. It uses Integrated 
Intel® Media Accelerator 900 Graphics which appears to work on 
Inspiron 6000, so i think it should be a good buy.
The only limitation on ze2000t that i'm seeing is 1024x768 resolution. 
AFAIK, it also means that S-Video, and external monitors will be limited 
to this resolution. Not a big deal, but i guess 16:9 DVDs won't be 
nicely viewable on a TV from this laptop. But i might be wrong about 
this. Maybe S-Video and external monitors aren't limited by the laptop's 
graphics card.

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