I'm trying to process an HTML form. I've got apache up and running and I've uncommented the line "AddHandler cgi-script .cgi" in httpd.conf. When I load the form page (/var/www/html/entry.htm) into the browser and hit the submit program I expected calculate.cgi to start. It's in /var/www/cgi-bin. Instead what I get is a pop up saying "You have chosen to open calculate.cgi which is a: CGI script from /var/www/cgi-bin. What should Firefox do with this file? Open with Text Editor or save to disk?" I've checked the permissions of calculate.cgi. It runs from the command line (I've done a chmod +x) Any ideas about how to fix this or where to look for advise? Thanks in advance, /Bob Cahn Gipsy Trail Club Carmel, NY 10512