Good day, How to limit bg processes for users? So if a limit is set to 3 for a user and he wants to start the 4th bg process, then it will not be started or killed by a cronjob script. I did found a file /etc/security/limits.conf but the results of that are not clean (its ugly). If i put a limit in that file on 3 i cant log in as that user. If i set to 6 then i can log in and start 3 bg processes (why?). After logging out and logging in to the shell the bash shell is somewhat in error because it cant start things and the user cant even use kill or other tools/commands to do his work. So i need a better and cleaner way so the user can start a limtited of background processes and can start besides the background processes tools like the compiling of programms, txt editors and so on. Google has no results on this and i see a lot freebsd things in the results. So can it only be done in freebsd? or what? Danny.