Jeff Vian wrote:>From what I understand you are correct that CentOS is RHES repackaged. I downloaded the 4 ISOs, burned them to CDs and built the machine with CentOS. The raw partition and software to work with it is included in this distribution. I was able to install the Pick software and restore the data into that application.On Sat, 2005-08-20 at 14:43 -0400, John Rowan wrote:The application I seek to run on FC4 requires raw partition support. RH9 had such raw devices defined but there is nothing like it from what I can see in FC4. The vendor, Raining Data, will not support Fedora Core, recommeding clients purchase RHES instead. On their user forum one person suggested to use White Box Linux or CentOS (his preference). I tried White Box some time ago but didn't have the time to invest in yet another distribution. I have the same feeling about CentOS but if Raw partitions are not part of FC4 I guess I'll be downloading a new distro soon.To use a raw partition, simply do not format it. Run fdisk to create the partition. Then the pickDB can be told to use that partition and it should be happy. AFAICT CentOS is equivalent to RHES4 and WhiteBox is equivalent to RHES3. I may be behind on their status, but if you get CentOS you have basically the same as RHES and it should work the same. I've noticed a shift in the job marketplace where many positions required RHES or RHAS. At least now with CentOS I can seek out positions looking for experience with RHES. |