Timothy Murphy wrote:
Which package provides the function snmpwalk?
I assumed it was net-snmp or net-snmp-devel ,
but neither seems to have it (in Fedora-4).
I'm looking at rrd (round-robin database),
and several of the examples I have looked at
have shell scripts which call this function (snmpwalk),
and google suggests it should be in /usr/bin/ .
Incidentally, how can one find which package contains a function like this?
I tried "yum search snmpwalk" but I am not clear where "yum search" looks,
or what it looks for?
Does one have to list the exact file one is looking for?
eg "yum search /usr/bin/snmpwalk"?
Any suggestions or advice gratefully received.
Do you have it installed with rpm?
rpm -q --provides snmpwalk
Are you looking for executable?
which snmpwalk
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